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Say hello to Oh!

The smart vibrator


Say hello to Oh!

The smart vibrator

Delivering intense pleasure through sound waves.
Available Summer 2024


A high-tech vibrator, engineered for pleasure.
The Oh allows the user to control both speed and intensity enabling all delivering infinite pleasure for all

Oh!’s technology delivers localized pleasure with focused vibrations anddeeper stimulation through customized sound waves.

While sound waves create infinite possibilities of patterns and frequencies, Oh! offers a comfortable, focused and quiet experience with minimal vibrations in the shaft so you only feel it where you want to. The device’s unique, tactile sensation liberates a deeper and more focused touch tuned to the individual’s body.

Oh! can be controlled online from anywhere around the world through the companion app, or use offline with easy controls that allow customized vibrations, area and rhythm. Sync Oh! with adult content including VR, visual and pure audio, to feel the experience as the device replicates movements.

Same-sex couples can pair with another Oh! device to enjoy together. Can also pair with TheHandy, the flagship interactive masturbator, for heterosexual couple enjoyment